we had to set up a circut and check the voltage at vce,vbe,ic,ib useing
1NPN diode bc547
1resistor 470
vary resistors2.2K,47k,220k,270,1M
then i had to record the voltage at the trasistor at vce,vbe,ic,ib for each of the resistors.
the voltage at vce was geting bigger as we put bigger resistance because we need more preusser to push through the bigger resistor.
the voltage at vbe didnt chage much as we didnt chage the resistance.
The voltage at ib keep droping as we put bigger resistors becase ther was less current.
the ic chaged because ther was less current going throgh, and we getting bigger resistance on the base
then we out our reading frm ic and vce on a graph and create a loadline.
Did you actually do this experiment? Were are your results? were is your graph? also your explanation is not in depth enough or fully correct, what is the interrelationship between the different readings and how does the different resistors affect them