Wednesday, May 18, 2011

air coolant sensor

the way the aircoolant sensor works is as the temperture increseas,resistance decreases and the voltage through and from the sensor increases

thermo fan switch.

the way a thermo switch works is, it will keep the circuit broken until the ecu decides it needs the fan to work, like switch.
Inside of thE switch is a open circuit untill the right tempure ture is reached then it will be a full circuot.

we did a small test on the fan swtich to check the resistance at the diffrent tempertures graph to show readings.

water temperature sensor

we boild some water up and tested the water temperature sensor.

graph to show readings.

It was a NTC type temperture sensor.

The way is works, there is a verble resistor in the sensor and when the temperture changes it can react to it and and the resistance will change,when the resistance gets higher we need more voltage to push. the raitoe changes betwwen the verble and the known resistor.

Monday, May 16, 2011

vane or flap air flow meter (ATM)

we check how this sensor operates when the vane is oprn the resistance gose up so more voltage is allowwd thorgh, and the sensor can pick that up, when its closed vise wise


I tested the MAP and the way it works is..
its reading the vacuum, so when the vacuum pressuer gose up the voltage gose down,there is a verable resistor in the circuit that veres when more vacuum is accring then resists more so less voltage is going to be applied.

Testing throttle body swiytch

i tested the T.B.SWITCH and the way it works is like a switch on or of..